Saturday, February 29, 2020

182 Graham Ave room 2D: First Unauthorized Entry

Here was the first time that building management of 182 Graham Ave entered my room without notification or permission after I installed this camera. The have done so again three more times, in one of those times, Antonio Cook destroyed some of my property. This visit was not so destructive, but it was still unannounced and unwelcome.
My lawyer is asking them to turn over the keys that I may install my own lock, as Antonio and his Urban Properties/Cook Insurance associates have proven that they cannot be trusted. We have already agreed that all communication between me and Antonio Cook will be through lawyers.

Antonio must not have gotten the memo, because he recently contacted me directly by text, saying that I have to go through him if I want access to my room. When I instructed him to have his lawyer call my lawyer, he called me an idiot. I told this to my lawyer, and he is getting in touch with Antonio's lawyer.

In the meantime, they are supposed to be putting together a plan to fix the place up so that I and my fellow vacated tenants can move back in. It has been almost two weeks since that last court date, and we have heard nothing yet. If they do not come up with a deal we like, then we go back to court on March 19.

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