Sunday, January 24, 2021

Antonio Cook on the Rampage Part 4: 182 Graham Ave 11/22/2019

Here is the last of the four videos of the night that the Order to Repair/Vacate Order as issued. The most intense and shocking parts are the quarrel over whether my property (in the hallway as it was being moved) would be thrown out at 9 PM, and Building Manager Antonio Hernan Cook is caught red-handed ripping a panel of of a door. I felt so unsafe with him there that I did not feel comfortable taking my camera of of him, and he proved me right.The video ends shortly before I had to call the police because his presence was getting so threatening that I did not feel safe. The next court date is February 2 for the Illegal Lockout case regarding the time that Cook changed the lock on the front door of the building OF WHICH I AM STILL A TENANT and refused to give me a key.

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