Wednesday, September 30, 2020

182 Graham walk-thru 10/31/2018

am continuing to load the videos I have made of the saga of 182 Graham
Ave into their own channel in chronological order. Here is Halloween
2018, when we got to see how far Antonio Cook was going to get the
building from 15 SRO units to 3 or 4 apartments, in the mistaken belief
that by doing so it could be take out of Rent Stabilization, though it
would bring them back into compliance with their own Certificate of
Occupancy. For the record, none of the tenants that I have known since I
moved in back in 1993 had done any renovations to turn the building
into an SRO. Those walls had been there for most, if not all the
building's life, and the owners had been collecting rent from the
individual rooms for years when I got there.

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